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Aldo Greco

Aldo Greco

In 1981 Aldo Greco graduated in architecture at the University of Florence. 

From 1978 to 1983 he went often to the studio of Giovanni Ausenda, where he explored the issues related to interior architecture and design. In 1983 he opened his own professional architecture studio and from 2004 he worked together with Ausenda till his death. In 2010 Aldo Greco founded the Greco-Giovanardi architecture studio. 

Throughout his career he always combined his great passions for design, architecture, interior design and scientific restoration. He carried out several projects for private customers, companies such as Carimonte Bank, Cassa di Risparmio di Cento, Graniti Fiandre, public bodies such as municipalities, Emilia Romagna region and he also worked with design companies. His works have been published in magazines such as Octagon, Casa Vogue, Interior, Riabita, Matter, BmmZone. He lives and works in Modena. 

A graduate in architecture from the University of Florence in 1981, Aldo Greco is a passionate designer who highly respected in the industrial design field. His designs combine his passions of interior design and scientific research to create unique and innovative products that make excellent focal points in any setting. In 2010, Aldo Greco and his colleague, Giovanni Ausendo, went into business together and opened Greco-Giovanardi architecture studio, which is very successful. Greco's work is known around the world thanks to it being published in various design magazines. 

Products by Aldo Greco