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Patricia Urquiola & Eliani Gerotto

Patricia Urquiola & Eliani Gerotto

PATRICIA URQUIOLA was born in Oviedo (Spain) and currently lives and works in Milan. She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University of Madrid in 1989, after completing a thesis with Achille Castiglioni. From 1990 to 1992, she was assistant lecturer to both Achille Castiglioni and Eugenio Bettinelli at the Milan Polytechnic and the E.N.S.C.I. in Paris. Between 1990 and 1996, she worked in the new product development office of De Padova and with Vico Magistretti. From 1993 to 1996, she worked with the architects de Renzio and Ramerino and was engaged in architectural design, showrooms, restaurants and franchising. In 1996 she became head of the design department at Lissoni Associati, working for Alessi, Antares-Flos, Artelano, B & B, Boffi, Cappellini, Coalesse, Cassina, Kartell, Molteni, Moroso and Viccarbe. She is currently working in her own practice in Milan in the fields of design, exhibitions, art direction and architecture.

ELIANA GEROTTO was born in Venice, Italy. She started her career as a graphic designer after her degree in Communication Techniques at Fondazione Davide Campari in Milan. Gerotto has worked in various fields as graphic and industrial designer, set curator and interior decorator.