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Studio Truly Truly

Studio Truly Truly

Truly Truly is a Rotter­dam based design studio founded by Joel and Kate Booy. The studio oper­ates on the inter­face between indus­try and art. The team runs a versa­tile prac­tice, creat­ing textiles, light­ing, furni­ture and spatial instal­la­tions. How design will be expe­ri­enced is crucial to the core of their work.

Truly Truly is a mani­festo: make things prop­erly, honestly and artfully. The design­ers say, “we are constantly trying to appeal to our own desire to be surprised, capti­vated or moved. Our work is often sculp­tural or poetic, with tactil­ity, sensu­al­ity and func­tion­al­ity play an important role.” 

This Australian design duo breaks design rules, one step at a time. 

Kate and Joel are fascinated by everyday life. 

They investigate the daily use of shapes, materials and colours and search for new and different ways. By doing so, they push boundaries of what is considered to be common and break design rules. Truly Truly invites you to look at design differently. 

Products by Studio Truly Truly